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The 5th ELI Call for Users is open for proposals!

25 Sep 2024

The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) is pleased to announce the launch of the 5th ELI User Call with submissions open until 29th October. Researchers and scientists worldwide are invited to submit their proposals which will be evaluated based on scientific excellence by an international peer-review panel. This Call continues to support a wide range of experiments, leveraging the cutting-edge equipment of:

  • ELI ALPS in Szeged, Hungary
  • ELI Beamlines in Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic
  • ELI NP inMăgurele, Romania

The complete scientific offer is available on the ELI User Portal, including information about the application and review process. Proposers are strongly encouraged to contact the technical instrument contacts listed or the ELI User Office [user-office[@]] for any queries. For more detailed information visit:

Proposal Submission Deadline: 29 October 2024; 23:55 CEST

New User Office System
With this Call, a new integrated User Office System (UOS) is introduced to enable more streamlined access to information, training and management of the proposal lifecycle. All Users will require an account to submit proposals.

Experimental Period
The experimental period for awarded Call 5 proposals is April-October 2025.

Future Calls
ELI announces bi-annual User Calls in Spring and Autumn. This pattern underscores the commitment to making the facilities available to a growing number of users. Accordingly, the 6th Call is expected to launch in March 2025.

The ELI User Office manages user access across the ELI ERIC Facilities, providing researchers with a single point of contact for all proposals, inquiries, and support. The goal is to deliver a consistent user experience and facilitate groundbreaking research. For any questions or further information, please reach out to the ELI User Office at user-office[@]

The Extreme Light Infrastructure is the world’s most advanced laser-based research infrastructure. The ELI Facilities provide access to a broad range of world-class high-power, high-repetition-rate laser systems and secondary sources. This enables cutting-edge research and new regimes of high-intensity physics in physical, chemical, medical, and materials sciences.

Stay up-to-date by visiting the ELI User Portal or sign up for the mailing list to receive regular news about the ELI User Calls as well as key information about ELI.