From laboratory to application
Enabling the leap from the laboratory to industrial application – that is the central task of the innovation team at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). The innovation managers and patent specialists support the scientists at the HZDR in exploiting their ideas to the point where they become marketable products or services. The new film “From Research to Market – Technology Transfer at HZDR” vividly illustrates exactly how and in what ways this happens.
The protagonists explain in the film how diverse transfer is, what incentives are used to promote innovations at HZDR and what support services are available. Scientists who want to spin off give an insight into what drives them and why they dare to found their own company. The film also shows how, step by step, an idea becomes an innovation that can be used in companies. The role of HZDR Innovation GmbH – the research center’s transfer company – is also explained.
In the film, the Scientific Director of the HZDR, Prof. Sebastian M. Schmidt, emphasises the aspiration to find answers to the pressing questions of our time with research in the fields of health, energy and matter and to make an important contribution to the prosperity of society.
A short version of the film is also aimed at the interested public and provides insights into knowledge and technology transfer at Rossendorf: The innovation management staff of the HZDR transfer department first identify and evaluate the technology potential of innovative basic research. Ideally, they then transfer them into a specific application. In this way, they also create career prospects and sustainable jobs in the region.
Source: Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)