IMPULSE User Access Workshop was hosted by partner Elettra Sincrotron
On January 30 and 31, 2024, Elettra Synchrotron Trieste hosted the IMPULSE User Access Workshop, a two-day event organized by ELI ERIC as part of the WP5 and WP6 activities within the IMPULSE project.
For the occasion, several representatives from Elettra and ELI shared experiences and ideas on the topic of user access in all its aspects. This ranged from organizing calls for proposals to the follow-up procedures after experiments, communication with users, and security matters.

The workshop began on January 30 at the Savoia Excelsior Palace in Trieste with talks and group discussions. The following day, activities moved to the Elettra research center, and participants had the opportunity to visit the Elettra and FERMI laboratories.
ELI ERIC is an international infrastructure that provides access to high-power, high-intensity, and short-pulsed laser systems, cutting-edge tools that enable multidisciplinary research and contribute to significant technological innovations.

With the gradual opening of its facilities to users, ELI is facing numerous scientific, technical, organizational, and managerial challenges. The IMPULSE project (Integrated Management and reliable oPerations for User-based Laser Scientific Excellence) supports this significant transition, aiming to build a broad and high-quality user community.
The IMPULSE project relies on the collective effort of a consortium involving 15 key institutions from the European scientific community. Elettra leads the Italian participation in the consortium, also representing CNR and INFN.
Source and photo credit: Elettra Sincrotron