Infrastructure works for the VEGA System completed at ELI-NP
Lyncean Technologies, Inc (LTI) completed during August-September 2021 the electrical and water-cooling infrastructure works for the Variable Energy Gamma-ray (VEGA) System under construction at ELI-NP.
The water-cooling system will be able to handle a heat load of up to 650 kW produced during the operation of the accelerator and storage ring. The water-cooling infrastructure comprises the house water system installed in the basement, including pumps, filtration system, pressure control, and all the water lines in the basement.

The LINAC and Storage Ring / Optical Cavity electrical infrastructure includes the installation of all electrical panels, AC power distributions from the main feed breakers, AC distribution to VEGA components, all cable trays for signal cables between auxiliary rooms and accelerator bays.
Source: ELI NP