Registration for ELI Summer School 2023 is now open!
As announced earlier this year, the 8th edition of the ELI Summer School series will be hosted by the ELI Beamlines Facility in Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic, from 29 August to 1 September 2023. The event will be jointly organised by ELI ALPS as an ELI ERIC event.
REGISTRATION is now open at the event website with all the additional information you might need, and we strongly encourage you to secure your seat, as the early bird fee is only applicable until 10 July 2023. This fee grants you access to the lecture & poster area, accommodation, daily transfer from your student hostel to ELI Beamlines, refreshments, and all the conference materials.
The ELISS series aims to provide young scientists with a comprehensive overview of the generation and application of intense laser pulses and laser-driven particle and radiation sources. Last year, more than 300 students from 29 countries followed the scientific programme ofELISS in front of the screens. This year’s ELISS will be complemented by scientific workshops and a poster competition, so get ready!
The main topics of ELISS 2023 include High-power ultrafast lasers, Generation of bright coherent and incoherent X-ray pulses using short pulse lasers, Ultrafast imaging techniques with short x-ray pulsesParticle acceleration by lasers and applications: proton therapy, Nuclear physics with high-intensity lasers, Femtoscience, and Attoscience photonics.
For all related information, please visit our indico page at https://indico.eli-laser.eu/event/23/, and in case of any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our colleagues. Secure your seat and meet us at the end of summer in Dolní Břežany, next to beautiful Prague!