Registration is open for the ELI User Meeting 2023
The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) User Meeting will take place on 4-6 December 2023 as an in-person event, hosted by the ELI ALPS Facility in Szeged, Hungary.The two-day programme will include talks on accepted, ongoing, and finalised user projects of the ELI Facilities, as well as scientific talks, and User Office updates. The preliminary agenda, as well as the list of invited speakers is available on the event website.
Registration is now open:
ELI User Meeting (4-6 December 2023): Registration
This User Meeting includes all three of the ELI Facilities: ELI ALPS, ELI Beamlines and ELI Nuclear Physics. This is thanks to a close collaboration between ELI ERIC and the “Horia Hulubei” National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), and the support of the Horizon 2020 Project IMPULSE.
As part of the event, the first joint ELI User Workshop on Advanced Technologies will be organised on 6 December.
The workshop will break down into the following programme sessions:
• High Harmonic Sources, Metrology and Applications
• Strong-field THz Interactions and Control (STIC) Rate
• Laser-driven ion sources and applications
• Nuclear and Plasma Physics
• Liquid phase targets: Metrology and Applications
• Laser-driven Electron/X-ray sources and Applications (LeXA)
Register for the event and join us in Szeged, Hungary!