The STAMPLASS 2023 workshop sets to take place at ELI-NP in March
In the framework of the IMPULSE project Work Package 3, the Standardization of metrology procedures for lasers and secondary sources (STAMPLASS 2023) will take place at the ELI-NP Facility in Măgurele, România on 21-23 March.
The availability of reliable solutions and accepted protocols for the metrology of high-peak power, high-repetition rate lasers and the secondary sources derived from them is critical both for the operation of the ELI Facilities and for enabling excellent research and user access at ELI.
The IMPULSE Workshop STAMPLASS 2023 is covering two main subjects:
- the review of procedures and processes guaranteeing consistency in Extreme Light Infrastructure metrology. The identified standard diagnostics will be available for implementation at the ELI Facilities.
- Exchange of experience with the community stakeholders (other research infrastructures, users’ networks, industrial partners) on the standard diagnostics for the high-peak-power lasers, including possibly involvement of external laboratories to test and benchmark the identified diagnostics.
The Workshop will consist of several sessions with talks and a poster session. All the potential contributors to the laser-driven sources metrology, from academia and industry, are invited to contribute to the workshop by short oral/poster presentations on their own research / approach.
Main Topics:
- Laser metrology
- Electron metrology
- Gamma metrology
- THz metrology
- Proton & ion metrology
- X-ray metrology
- XUV metrology
Registration is open on the workshop website https://www.eli-np.ro/2023-stamplass/ . If you have any question at this time, please contact the conference secretariat at impulse.ws.t3.2@eli-np.ro.