User Call for R3/I3 researchers
The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation launched a new call for R3/I3 researchers in the frame of the the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023, within the State Program to Develop, Attract and Retain Talent, State Incorporation Subprogram. The research opportunity includes our Spanish project partner CLPU.
– Doctor’s degree.
– Scientific-technical activity: to have a favorable R3 researcher evaluation
(or be in the process of doing so).
– Link with the requesting entity: it will not be necessary before the
resolution of the concession, but it will be necessary during the period of
execution of the action. PIs who are occupying a permanent position in the
entity may also participate, provided that the incorporation to said position
is after 12/22/2021 and they have not previously held another permanent
position in any entity of the possible applicants.
– incompatibilities:
• PIs may not appear in more than one application for this call.
• Ramón y Cajal researchers, whose entity has already received the endowment
for the creation of the permanent job granted within the framework of said
program, may not appear as IP of the action.
• There will be no incompatibility with participation in projects that have
obtained funding from calls for projects from the State Plans for Scientific
and Technical Research and Innovation, from the VII R&D&I Framework
Program, from the R&D&I Framework Programs, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe
or Joint Programming initiatives of the European Research Area, the Regional
R&D Plans of the autonomous communities, or any other call.
a) Direct costs
– The incentive for consolidation, for the creation and coverage of a permanent
position during the period of execution of the aid. It may not exceed 100% of
the salary cost of the permanent position corresponding to an annuity.
– The execution of the R+D+i project: personnel, mobility, consumables,
publications, advice, etc.
– Costs allocated to the adaptation of spaces, renovation of the laboratory and
improvement of the equipment. It may not exceed 30% of the amount justified as
the cost of executing the R&D project.
b) Indirect Costs: 21% of the direct costs of executing the project plus costs
of adapting spaces (the Incentive for consolidation is excluded).
– The aid will be financed by means of a grant with NextGeneration EU funds.
– The amount of the aid will not exceed €200,000 per application (including indirect costs).
– The evaluation of the applications will be carried out by scientific-technical commissions, constituted
according to the thematic areas and sub-areas.
– The scientific-technical memory of the performance and the CVA of the PIs will be subject to
evaluation, following the established evaluation criteria.
– Within the application submission period, a scientific-technical report of the action must be attached.
– The description of the content of the scientific-technical report of the action is included in Annex IV
of the call.
For further details, please visit: https://www.aei.gob.es/convocatorias/buscador-convocatorias/consolidacion-investigadora-2022 or contact our Spanish IMPULSE project partner CLPU.