Centro De Laseres Pulsados Ultracortos Ultraintensos
The CLPU is the key Spanish user facility specialized in high-intensity ultrashort lasers. It operates VEGA, a multi Terawatt laser system composed of 3 synchronized 30 fs long Ti:Sa based-laser pulses: VEGA-3 [1 PW (at 1Hz –HRR–), VEGA- 2 [200 TW] and VEGA-1 [20 TW] (both up to 10 Hz). VEGA is offered to users with several modes of operation by selecting the synchronized lines, the repetition rate (single-shot, burst or nominal frequency or dividers modes,) and the energy (high or low). Moreover, VEGA has complementary systems: a CEP system that allows ‘pump-probe type experiments using a very short duration VUV or XUV system as a ‘probe’; a Quanta Ray laser system that can be synchronized with VEGA’s repetition rate, and a highly specialized metrology bench before the target area.